01/26/2024 | Centrose Granted EU3328393 Patent Protection for CD20 EDC
12/02/2021 | EDC9 Surfaceome Shows CD20 NKA Complex
08/01/2017 | Centrose Granted Japanese Patent Covering EDC Technology
04/20/2017 | Centrose to Present at 2017 PEGS Summit in Boston
02/01/2017 | Centrose to Present EDC9 Clinical Progress at 2017 AACR Meeting
01/31/2017 | Original Article Discusses EDC1 Therapy for Thyroid Cancer
11/07/2016 | Centrose to Present at 2016 World Precision Medicine Congress
09/25/2016 | Centrose to Present at 2016 BIO Investor Forum
08/25/2016 | Centrose to Present at 2016 World Summit on Precision Medicine
07/25/2016 | Centrose EDC study published in Molecular Therapy
06/01/2016 | Centrose to Present at 2016 IBC Bioconjugates Meeting
04/15/2016 | Centrose to Present at 2016 Annual AACR Meeting in New Orleans
09/03/2015 | Centrose to Present at 2015 AACR.NCI.EORTC Meeting in Boston
05/01/2015 | Centrose to Present at Cavendish Global Forum
04/14/2015 | Centrose to Present at the 2015 Annual AACR Meeting
08/04/2014 | WSJ - A Centrose Update
07/18/2014 | Centrose to Present Keynote in Boston
05/15/2014 | NCI Funds EDC1 Renal Cancer Investigation
04/22/2014 | Conjugated Steroid Patent Issues
03/18/2014 | Centrose Moves into New Facility